Maximize the Impact of Your Church with AI

Elevate Your Media Ministry with Artificial Intelligence

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Explore how to use AI in your church.
Easily Create Siri with Personality in a Few Simple Steps

Get ready to add some personality to your Siri! Learn how to easily create your own Siri with attitude, viewpoints, or even a specific character using a few simple steps. Watch now and let us know which persona you try first! If you’d like me to send a link with everything set up for you, let me know.

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Create Natural Sounding Spoken Audio with AI

Looking to revolutionize your audio content and create a truly personalized experience for your listeners? Look no further than the power of artificial intelligence. In this video tutorial, we show you how to use A.I. to create audio that sounds convincingly human, using pre-trained voices or your own voice clone. With just a few simple steps, you can transform your spoken content and take your audio game to the next level.

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Easily Replace Anyone’s Face with Yours – Easy AI Tutorial

Easily replace someone’s face with your own in a photo. You don’t need to be a Photoshop expert! In this video, I’ll take you through the simple process to do it yourself using AI. With and DiffusionBee, you can create a hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed face swap in no time. Learn how by watching the video now and start creating your own face swaps!

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Create Your Own Face on Any Style or Pose with AI – Only $1.50

Turn yourself into any style or pose using AI technology. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your own face on any style or pose using AI. Upload 10 to 20 pictures of yourself to the website Astoria and the model will learn what you look like. You can then create unlimited photos of yourself for just $1.50.

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Fix Bad Audio Automatically with AI

Want to improve your church’s audio? Adobe Podcast is a game-changer. Your sermons and other audio recordings will instantly sound better due to Adobe Podcast’s impressive AI-based audio processing, which can make them seem like they were recorded in a professional studio.

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About Me


I desire to help churches use technology to enhance their Media Ministry and reach more people with the Gospel.

With over 20 years of experience as a church media director, I am passionate about using technology, including AI, in the church.
